Chest Abbs Bicep Tricep Exercise Wednesday September 7 2011

bicep muscle workout8:00am bowl of raisin bran with 2% milk
9:00am two sci fit kre alkalyn 1500 creatine pills
9:30am banana
10:30am 15 minute power nap
11:00am cashews snack
1:00pm white rice, mixed vegitables, teriyaki beef
4:30pm lemonaid flavor no xplode

Dumbell bench press
8, 8, 6, 4

Skull crushers and flat bench pull-overs combo
10, 10, 8,

Incline dumbell bench press
8, 6, 6

Cable curls
12, 10, 10

Reverse grip cable curls
8, 8, 8

Hanging leg raise crunches
5, 4, 3, 6

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