Should I Consider Barefoot Running?

You’ve probably noticed it before, and it probably thwarted you into taking a second look. No, those aren’t clear running shoes—that runner is actually running barefoot. Continue reading

How to Get the Best Elliptical Machine Workout

An elliptical machine is one of the very best ways to train for cardiovascular fitness and muscle tone. Elliptical machines basically work by letting you ‘ski’ or ‘walk’ on the spot with your feet attached to pads and your arms holding handles. This then allows you to exercise in a rapid way that doesn’t place any strain on your knees or joints. Continue reading

5 Tips to Make the Most of your Run

Going for a jog every few days is one of the most effective ways to stay in shape. It burns calories, improves all round fitness and is a free alternative to a gym membership. Having said this, if you really want to capitalize on your exercise, you need to bear a few things in mind. In this article we provide 5 tips to help you get the most out of your run. Continue reading